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CALL TO ORDER:  S. Young determined a quorum and began the meeting at 7:36pm.  

Members Present:  B. Boodry, J. Briody (arrived at 8:00pm), L. Leaden, S.  Bowman, S. Ward, R. Carley, B. Piepho, B. Woermer, R. Faanes, S. Howard, L. Ruot, G. Pettricone
Absent Member:  J. Simmons
Also Present:  G. Bollard, S. Conant – Friends of the Lake, G. Knoecklein and C. Lee

PRESENTATION BY GEORGE KNOCKLEIN:  G. Knoeckein gave a Power Point presentation to the members.  Topics discussed were; testing results, history with CT DEP and Northeast Utilities on phosphorus, CT DEP trophic categories, phosphorus water clarity, existing monitoring program, water clarity readings, phosphorus concentration changes, daily phosphorus load to Lake Lillinonah, etc.  A copy of this presentation will be attached to the minutes.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by B. Boodry, seconded by S. Bowan to approve the minutes from the March 2, 2010 Lake Lillinonah Authority meeting as written.  Motion was passed unanimously.

INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS:  S. Young introduced two members joining the Lake Lillinonah Authority; Alisa Ruot from Newtown and Greg Pettricone from Brookfield.  

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  S. Young stated that he has been trying to get in touch with William Foreman, from Inland Fisheries at DEP regarding tournaments, and to ask for a map to be created that would show the proper way of parking for trailers and tow vehicles.  Also
S. Young requested a schedule of tournaments on holiday weekends; Mother’s Day, Fathers Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day weekends and also requested that they don’t schedule tournaments for over 50% of the parking on Pond Brook and Steel Bridge.

S. Ward left the meeting at 9:30pm.

FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  B. Boodry stated that there are seven approved patrol officers.  The letters have gone out to the towns to appoint them.  Newtown did not like the wording of the letter, so B. Boodry will revise and send to Newtown.  B. Boodry reported that Kevin Seeley scheduled training sessions that were offered by the state for the officers. Boats should by ready May 1st, and K. Seeley has been in touch with the marina.  He also stated that the docks for patrol are going in next week and that there are no outstanding issues.
B. Boodry reported that the lake alert system has been active; with approximately 250 names on the notification list.

SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:   J. Simmons was not present for this meeting.  No report was given.

Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes – April 6, 2010                                 Page Two

TREASURER’S REPORT:  J. Briody stated that he has available a two month transaction report and that $2,000 was spent in the months of January and February for the removal of buoys and the placement of the ice bars.  He also stated that he has received $11,800 from the Town of Roxbury (which was shy about $40.00) and that several towns contributed less due to budget constraints. All town contributions are in for the present budget. J. Briody reported that monies are due from the studies that G. Knoecklein has been performing. Payment is due from First Light.  J. Briody stated that at the Executive Meeting, Friends of the Lake asked for the Authority to support them financially in a monitoring program that includes some capital equipment which will take continuous water samples.  A suggestion was that monies could be partially funded from the yearly operating water quality fund and to possibly cut down on a copper sulfate treatment or diquat treatment. S. Young stated that next month G. Bollard will make a presentation on the monitoring program.  J. Briody recommended Lake Lillinonah Authority’s support of Save the Lake Day with a $250.00 donation as the Authority has contributed in the past.  A motion was made by B. Boodry, seconded by R. Faanes, to support Save the Lake Day by donating $250.00 to the event. Motion was passed unanimously.

1.  Membership: Vacancies remain in the Town of Southbury (1) and S. Young will check on the status of the commitment from New Milford.
2.  Volunteer for Buoy placement:  S. Howard volunteered to be a permanent volunteer on the buoy placement committee.  This committee will be in charge of annual placement and procurement of buoys and buoy supplies.
3.  Debris Advisory Management Report:  S. Young stated that as a lake authority representative, he went to a debris advisory committee meeting that was held by First Light.  He stated that Lake Zoar was not present at this meeting.  A member from the DEP and a member from Friends of the Lake (George Walker) were present. S. Young stated he is still waiting for a copy of the minutes.  A motion was made by R. Carley, seconded by B. Boodry, to table Item # 3 under new business; Debris Advisory Management Report, until the next regularly scheduled Lake Lilinonah Authority meeting. Motion was passed unanimously.

1.  Friends of the Lake Clean Up Day – May 22, 2010:   S. Young stated that he would like to see Lake Authority participation for this event.
2.  Debris Pictures:  A motion was made by B. Boodry, seconded by S. Bowman, to have  
Item #2, under Old Business removed from the agenda, as this item was an typed in error. Item # 2 should have read; update from R. Carley’s visit to the Invasive Plant Presentation.  Motion was passed unanimously.

R. Carley stated that during his visit to the Invasive Plant Presentation a lot of time was spent talking about Lake Candlewood.  He stated that there has been a natural introduction of an algae, a natural cleaning algae, which cleans the water.  He also stated that there was a concern where zebra mussels have been spotted in the Housatonic.  R Carley reported that milfoil cannot live 48 hours once exposed out of the water.
3.  Buoy placement and CCA Buoy Permit Contract:  S. Young stated that he will be meeting with CCA to get together the permanent permits with the DEP.

ADJOURNMENT:   A motion was made by R. Faanes, seconded by J. Briody, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 10:00pm.